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Drug Detox

According to the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA), 46.3 million people met the criteria for a substance use disorder in 2021. Despite this, only a small fraction of those affected receive adequate treatment. At Southern California Recovery Centers (SCRC), we’re here to change that. 

Starting the journey to recovery often begins with one crucial step: detox. Our drug detox centers are dedicated to providing you with a supportive and medically supervised environment, ensuring the first phase of your recovery is both safe and transformative. Our specialized drug detox centers, programs, and treatments provide a safe and nurturing environment designed to support individuals through every step of their detox journey.

Table of Contents

What is Drug Detox?

Drug detox is the initial stage of addiction treatment, aimed at clearing the body of toxins accumulated due to drug abuse. This medically supervised process is crucial as it manages the acute physical symptoms of withdrawal that occur when a person stops taking drugs. Our drug detox center is equipped with highly trained medical professionals who provide care and support, ensuring safety throughout the detoxification process.

doctor explaining

When is Drug Detox Necessary?

Drug detox becomes necessary when an individual’s dependency on substances impacts their physical health, mental well-being, and quality of life. It is particularly crucial for those who face significant withdrawal symptoms, which can be potentially life-threatening without proper medical supervision. At SCRC, our drug detox programs are tailored to address the unique needs of each client, providing the necessary support to begin recovery on solid ground.

The Drug Detox Process

The drug detox process at SCRC, one of the top rated treatment centers in San Diego, involves several steps designed to ensure the most effective and comfortable recovery experience. First, a comprehensive assessment is conducted to design a personalized detox plan. This is followed by the detox phase, where medical intervention is provided to manage withdrawal symptoms. Continuous monitoring and support help maintain the individual’s stability as they progress toward drug-free living.

Are There Different Types of Drug Detox?

Drug detox programs will differ depending on the substance used and the individual’s specific needs. Each program is designed by our team based on the severity of addiction and the level of medical care required. SCRC offers a range of detox options to best suit the needs of our clients.

doctor explaining Alcohol Detox Stages

How Long Does It Take To Detox From Drugs?

The duration of drug detox varies depending on the type of drug used, the extent of addiction, and the individual’s physical health. Typically, detox can last from a few days to several weeks. At SCRC, our medical team provides an estimated timeline and customizes detox programs to optimize recovery time without compromising safety.

What Happens When You Detox From Drugs?

Detoxing from drugs triggers withdrawal symptoms that can range from mild to severe, including anxiety, sleep disturbances, physical pain, and cravings. Throughout the detox process at SCRC, our healthcare professionals support the clients, using various drug detox treatments to ease symptoms and facilitate a smoother detoxification. We ensure your detox is as safe and comfortable as possible, thereby reducing the risk of relapse. 

What Are The Side Effects of Drug Detox?

While detox is a vital step toward recovery, it can come with side effects such as nausea, mood swings, irritability, and fatigue. At SCRC, we are committed to minimizing these side effects through medical supervision and supportive care, ensuring a more comfortable detox experience.

Why You Should Not Detox From Drugs At Home

SCRC’s drug detox facilities provide a controlled environment with professional support to handle any emergencies and reduce the risk of relapse. Here are a few reasons why detoxing from drugs at home is more risky than being in a detox facility:

  1. Withdrawal Complications: Detoxing from substances like alcohol, opioids, and benzodiazepines can cause severe withdrawal symptoms that can be medically dangerous. Symptoms might include severe anxiety, physical shaking, heart palpitations, and in extreme cases, life-threatening conditions like seizures or delirium tremens (in the case of alcohol). These symptoms require professional medical management to ensure safety.
  2. Lack of Medical Supervision: At home, you won’t have access to medical care that can manage and alleviate withdrawal symptoms safely. Medical professionals in a detox facility can provide medications and support to reduce withdrawal symptoms and complications.
  3. Psychological Support: Withdrawal can also be emotionally and psychologically challenging. Professional detox facilities provide psychological support and counseling, which are crucial for addressing the underlying issues related to addiction.
  4. Risk of Relapse: The discomfort and stress of withdrawal can increase the risk of relapse. In a detox facility, the environment is controlled to remove access to addictive substances, reducing the chance of relapse during the detox phase.
  5. Co-occurring Conditions: Co-occurring mental health conditions are common among those with SUDs, with 37.9% of adults with a substance use disorder also having a mental illness. Professional detox programs are equipped to diagnose and treat these concurrent conditions, which might be overlooked or inadequately managed at home.

Drug Detox Medication

Can you take medication to alleviate detox symptoms? Yes. 

At SCRC, we use FDA-approved medications to manage withdrawal symptoms and support recovery during the detox phase. These medications help alleviate discomfort, stabilize mood, and prevent potential complications, making the detox process safer and more comfortable.

The Benefits of Drug Detox

Detoxing from drugs at SCRC is the first step towards reclaiming control of your life and health. Not only does it help cleanse the body, it also improves mental clarity and emotional stability, setting a solid foundation for further therapeutic interventions. 

Seek Social Support in rehab center

The SCRC Difference

At SCRC, we’ve helped thousands of people find a new way of life. We pride ourselves on providing a compassionate and comprehensive approach to drug detox, with state-of-the-art facilities and a team of dedicated professionals. Our personalized care plans are designed to meet your unique needs, so you can set the stage for a fulfilling life free of substances. 

Our Locations in Southern California

Downtown San Diego skyline in California, USA

Drug Detox in San Diego

SCRC offers comprehensive drug detox services in San Diego. With expert care and beautiful surroundings, we are here to help you begin your journey to recovery.

Drug Detox in Orange County

Our Orange County facility provides top-tier drug detox services. Start your recovery in a supportive environment designed specifically for healing.

A setting sun behind the long pier, Irvine, Orange County, California
Key Expectations at sober living

Begin the Journey to Recovery

Embarking on the journey to recovery is a brave step. At SCRC, we are ready to support you every step of the way. Our admissions staff works with insurance providers to get as much of your treatment covered as possible. Contact us today for a completely confidential conversation.

Our Alumni

Frequently Asked Questions About Drug Detox

Drug detox can be risky if attempted without proper medical oversight, due to the potential for severe withdrawal symptoms and complications. It’s generally safe when conducted under the supervision of medical professionals in a controlled environment. At SCRC, safety is our top priority, and every detox program is tailored to the individual’s specific health needs. Our medical teams are equipped with the expertise to manage withdrawal symptoms effectively and address any complications that may arise during detox. 

The cost of drug detox varies widely depending on several factors, including the type of program, the duration of drug detox treatment, and the level of medical care required. Many facilities, including SCRC, offer various financing options and can provide guidance on the expected costs based on the personalized treatment plan.

Many insurance plans cover drug detox, at least partially, as it is recognized as a necessary medical treatment for addiction recovery. Coverage details, however, can vary significantly between different insurers and policies. At SCRC, we work with several insurance providers and can help clients navigate their insurance benefits to determine what level of detox and subsequent treatment is covered. Clients are encouraged to check directly with their insurance provider to understand the specifics of their coverage.

After completing drug detox, the next step typically involves transitioning to further addiction treatment programs, which can include residential therapy, partial hospitalization, or outpatient services. These programs focus on psychological recovery, helping individuals address the underlying issues that led to addiction through therapy, counseling, and support groups. Continuing care is crucial for long-term recovery, as detox alone often does not address the behavioral, social, and psychological aspects of addiction.

A multidisciplinary team is involved in the drug detox process to ensure comprehensive care. This team typically includes physicians specialized in addiction medicine, nurses, psychologists, psychiatrists, therapists, and social workers. Each professional plays a critical role in providing medical monitoring, psychological support, and crafting a continuum of care post-detox. Their combined expertise helps manage the physical and emotional challenges during detox and prepares the individual for the next steps in recovery.

Rapid detox is a method of detoxification that speeds up the process of eliminating drugs from the body. Under general anesthesia, medications are administered to precipitate withdrawal, aiming to complete the detox process quickly, often within hours. While this method might appeal due to its speed, it is controversial and can carry significant risks, including complications from anesthesia and a higher potential for acute withdrawal symptoms. It is generally recommended to opt for a more gradual, medically supervised detox process to ensure safety and effectiveness.